Elevate Your Hide Tanning With BuckTan Hide Softening Oil

Looking to advance your hide tanning process? You’ve come to the right place. With BuckTan Softening Oil, taxidermy tanning has never been easier. The BuckTan Hide Softening Oil is an amazing choice for all of your animal hide tanning needs. The water-based oil extends the “life” of a deer hide and other animal hides while assisting in a tan that is much more workable for the taxidermist. BuckTan Hide Softening Oil is an oil that is fully synthetic yet compatible with a water rinse. This offers the best-of-both-worlds by allowing for synthetic saturation into the deer hide with an easy rinse from the hair with a water/soap rinse.

Reduce that long-term cracking with high-quality hide softening oil. By improving the look of your animal hide while making the job easier for the taxidermist, BuckTan Hide Softening Oil offers a win-win situation. Our quality oil penetrates the deer hide fibers preventing shrinkage and hide pull. It was specially formulated by Dan Rinehart for elevated hide longevity, lower long-term cracking, and to release from the hair through a short rinse. Grab our BuckTan Hide Softening Oil today to make your hide tanning process go smoothly.